Pineapple Express (AAA)


3.5 grams – $35.00
7 grams – $65.00
14 grams – $120.00
28 grams – $220.00

SKU: pineapple-express Categories: ,


Buy Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express cannabis strain is a Sativa dominant marijuana hybrid. The breeders of this cannabis remain unknown.The herb provides long-lasting energetic high. Beginners and users with low tolerance should be mindful of the dose to avoid paranoia. True to the name, the buds smell of tropical fruit.
Marijuana strain induces happy cerebral high laced with creativity and uplifted mood. Boosts energy, prompts giggles and social behavior. Followed by body-mind relaxation, pain control, and appetite boost. May cause paranoia.
Lineage: Hawaiian and Trainwreck strains. Sativa Dominant Hybrid (60% Sativa / 40% Indica)
26.83/20.00% THC
0.55/1.10% CBD
0.05/0.52% CBN